
Do you find your own road yet?

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Discovering your personal trait seems a crucial thing in this era.

Every undergradutate in Taiwan is afraid of not having or loosing jobs

as soon as his graduation comes.

Do you think you are strongly competitive with others all over the world?

Do you have many talents, different skills to strike all the rivals?

It's really hellacious in the society and sounds terrilble.

As long as you are not required, you will be kicked off right away just like trash.

So finding your road is a way to promote yourself.

You must hand it on, never give up easily, till you reach your goal.

Never be thought as "STRAWBERRY" forever.

It depreciates us and we must defeat that!

However, which road do you have?

It's the one you are craving for.

Go ahead and go for it,

Aiming that, not aimless.

Success will come true.


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